The team

With the support of the Mastercard Foundation, this joint research project on Bettering Entreprenuerial Training in Africa has mobilized more than 40 members of a diverse and talented research team to find innovative practices capable of fostering success among future young African entrepreneurs. The team is made up of Lead Research Managers, Senior Research Assistants, Junior Research Assistants, Field Research Assistants and Support Staff. 

Lead Research Managers

Dr. Jean-Paul Mvogo

Jean-Paul is in charge of managing the research team activities on behalf of Sciences Po. He holds a Ph.D in economics from Paris Dauphine University and has worked on private sector and entrepreneurship development programs for UNDP and the IMF. He is also a serial entrepreneur who has coached many startups operating in sectors ranging from AgriTech to Fintech. As such, he has an excellent knowledge of African entrepreneurial issues and ecosystems. At Sciences Po, his courses focus on private sector development policies, African national innovation ecosystems and the appropriation of new technologies such as Big Data,  Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain by Africa.

Jean-Paul leverages his past experience in project management to prepare project proposal document, ensure the overall good planning and execution  of the activities, coordinate AIMS and Sciences Po teams, manage the entire research pipeline, including research quality and the production of the various deliverables (project document, research methodology, data management plan, questionnaire, publications).

Working for the BETAF Project represents a tremendous opportunity to work on African entrepreneurship, a subject he has cultivated for almost two decades as an entrepreneur, a consultant and an economist. 

Dr. Daniel Tcheutia 

Daniel Duviol Tcheutia was recruited as the AIMS Research Coordinator for the AIMS-Sciences Po Mastercard Foundation project on Entrepreneurship Training. He is in charge of supervising and verifying outputs of the research manager, selecting students to be involved in the project, organizing and coordinating weekly research team briefing meetings, monitoring the research project implementation, reporting the progress of the research project, organizing events such as workshops, managing all the administrative procedures regarding the project, conducting fields visit when necessary, assisting in research, organizing dissemination  workshops for the research findings. 

Dr. Tcheutia has been a lecturer at the University of Yaoundé I since January 2020 and is Student Development and Cooperative Manager at AIMS-Cameroon since March 2022, after being senior teaching assistant in the same institute since August 2021. He received his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Kassel (Germany) in July 2014 where he defended his Habilitation thesis on July 2019. His research field includes Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Computational Mathematics. He is also interested by Data Sciences. It is a pleasure for Dr. Tcheutia to bring his contribution to the success of this ambitious project. 

Pr. Patrice Takam Soh 

Patrice Takam Soh is an Associated Professor in Statistic in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Yaoundé I. He has more than 10 years of experience in the popularization of statistics through teaching, statistical studies and research.

He has been a co-investigator in several studies and the most recent one in 2017 focused on the study of the professional integration of young graduates from state universities in Cameroon. Before these studies, he participated as a co-investigator in a project aimed at analysing the knowledge and practices in high school screening and finally the impact of an ICT-based communication intervention on the use of STI screening and management in adolescents.

He coordinates research activities for AIMS, notably questionnaire design and the analysis of data results.

Pr. Marco Garutti 

Professor Marco Andrea Garuti passed away in 2021, plunging the entire research team into an immense sadness. For AIMS, he had worked on the preparation of the project proposal document  the BETAF initiative. 

Marco received his degree in Mathematics in Rome, at the University La Sapienza and his PhD in Paris Sud. He was Academic Director at AIMS Cameroon and Assistant Professor at University of Padova, Italy. He had a long experience in managing research and Academic Programs (Marie Curie Fellowship, Erasmus Mundus ALGANT local coordinator, AIMS Cameroon Academic Direction). He was responsible for coordination at AIMS Cameroon and among the teams based at the other AIMS Centers.

Senior Research Assistants

Dr. Fesuh Nono Betrand 

As a Senior Research Assistant, Betrand has been in charge of coordinating statistical research activities in the third phase of the Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa Project. 

Mr Fesuh is a finishing PhD student in Statistics from the National Advanced School of Engineering of the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. Betrand has also been working for more than 10 years as a Statistician in a number of research projects, particularly in the domain of health. He is delighted to contribute to this project on improving entrepreneurial success in Africa.

Dr. Christian Nembot 

Christian has been fully working on this project on Entrepreneurship since the end of his PhD. He notably worked on the preparation of the literature review, the Research Methodology Note, Data Management Plan and questionnaire. 

Dr. Christian Nembot recently obtained a PhD in Plant Epidemiology and Mathematical modelling in Co-direction with the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon and the CIRAD of Montpellier, France. He is also a graduate from the University of Douala, Cameroon with a Master of Science in Biostatistics. 

Research Management Team

Maxime Marzin

Maxime Marzin is the Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at Sciences Po. Maxime brings his knowledge of entrepreneurship training programs developed within the framework of the Center for Entrepreneurship of Sciences Po. 

Maxime Marzin has been managing all the entrepreneurship initiatives for Sciences Po for 10 years and is the administrative director of the research program ”Women in business Chair” studying gender inequalities in entrepreneurship opportunities. He is in charge of the development of the teaching contents for courses and mentorship dedicated to the Mastercard fellow students in Sciences Po. 

Chloé Sautter

Chloé manages the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Sciences Po, supporting talented young people from the African continent through their studies at Sciences Po and helping them become change-makers in their home countries. 

Holding a Master's in International Relations from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Master's in South Asian studies from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), she previously worked in nonprofit organisations and at the French Embassy in Morocco.

Focal Points Research Assistants 

Dr. Lema Logamou Seknewna

Lema holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from the Pan African University Institute for basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation (Kenya). 

He worked as a tutor at AIMS Senegal and he was recruited as a focal point for Senegal. In that capacity, he has been overseeing field survey preparation, the recruitment of interviewers, ethical clearance and data protection review. 

He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Centre Universitaire de Mayotte (CUFR, France).

Fred Soglohu

Fred is a PhD student at the university of Ghana with his research focused on

Topological Quantum Computing. He is an AIMS Alumni and has been tutoring at AIMS-Ghana since 2020. Fred has been coordinating project operations in Ghana and building strong partnerships for the research team with local universities. He alsp participated in ethical clearance and data protection review for Ghana. 

Fred is delighted to contribute to this project on Entrepreneurship. 

Junior Research Assistants

Marie Amoyi 

She was hired by Sciences Po as a research assistant. She is currently studying International Development with concentrations in Global Economy and Project Management at Sciences Po Paris. She holds a bachelor's degree in African Studies from the University of Leipzig. Before her studies, Marie worked as a journalist and researcher in the social business Africa GreenTec in Frankfurt, which aims to empower people in rural regions of Sub Saharan Africa through sustainable energy solutions. In this research project she was involved in research, questionnaire design and the website implementation. She is delighted to be involved in this project on empowering entrepreneurship.

Scott Ebolo 

Scott is a robotics engineer who recently graduated from the National Higher Polytechnic School of Douala. Scott worked for four months for Apha Food, where he designed an automatic hot water dispenser, and also for four months for Brasseries du Cameroun, where he was in charge of improved production efficiency. 

He was selected by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences of Cameroon to join the research project given his previous experience. There he was in charge of XX 

Peace Kanyinsola Ayeni 

Peace was recruited as a research assistant by AIMS Cameroon. In that capacity, she will be in charge of conducting field surveys and analyzing collected data. In 2019, Ms. Ayeni graduated from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, where she obtained a Bachelor's of Technology degree in Statistics. Peace has worked as a Data Analyst for and as a Data Science Tutor at Coven Labs Nigeria. Asides her professional achievement, she has co-authored two research publications and aspires to achieve more of this. She is delighted to contribute her knowledge of statistics to this project on Entrepreneurship. 

Anirudh Bharadwaj

Anirudh Bharadwaj is currently a Masters in Economics (Research Track) student at Sciences Po, Paris and has graduated from Christ University in Bengaluru, India with a Triple Majors in Economics, Political Science and Sociology. 

Anirudh has worked on a range of research and policy oriented roles before, including working on an advisory project for the Government of Delhi which aimed at assessing the state of public-service delivery in the state. 

He is also looking forward to building a career in policy advisory and is delighted to be a part of this project on Entrepreneurship.

Dnyanada Palkar

Dnyanada Palkar was recruited as a research assistant by Sciences Po. In that capacity, she will be in charge of assisting with preparation of the research and survey-related documents, and analyse collected data. Ms. Palkar graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Canada) with a BA (Hons) in Political Science and Economics, and she is attending the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po, where she is a candidate for the Masters in International Security. Dnyanada has worked with think tanks in New Delhi and consulted for different Ministries of the Government of India from 2013 to 2020. 

Elnathan Tiokou

Elnathan Tiokou is a research research assistant studying at AIMS Cameroon. 

In that capacity, he was in charge of conducting field surveys and analyzing collected data.

Mr. Tiokou is a current student at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences and he also attended the University of Douala, where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. 

Aimey Maggie Augustine

Aimey Maggie Augustine is a M2 student of Public Policy and Politics at Sciences Po, Paris. She is striving to work towards building and sustaining inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems and empowering entrepreneurs.

Currently she works for the International Chamber of Commerce’s Centre of Entrepreneurship in Paris, supporting the implementation of the largest global interconnected entrepreneurial ecosystem. Apart from work, she can be mostly found reading in the Paris metro or discussing politics, gender and intersectionality.

Miriam Odonkor

Miriam Odonkor is an associate consultant at the Abidjan office of Dalberg Advisors. She has unique sector experience in education and entrepreneurship where she has worked with the private sector, NGOs, research institutions and intergovernmental organizations to develop, implement and evaluate policies and programs.

Prior to Dalberg, Miriam worked for 3 years in the private and non-profit sector in Ghana, after which she spent 2 years in Sciences Po, graduating with a Master’s in International Development. While at Sciences Po, Miriam interned at the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMES, Regions and Cities in Paris, where she provided data analysis and drafting support for reports and policy manuals on adult learning in OECD countries. She also worked as a research assistant at the Sciences Po Centre for Entrepreneurship, developing factsheets for this project on entrepreneurial training systems in Africa.

Bupe Kolosa

As a student from AIMS Cameroon, Bupe Kolosa was in charge of conducting research on vulnerable categories and finally compiling a literature review on entrepreneurship. 

Mr. Kolosa is a recent graduate from AIMS-Cameroon and he also attended the Copperbelt University, where he obtained a BSc in Mathematics. 

Bupe has been working for 2 months for Mulungushi University, for which he developed a mastery in teaching and is in charge of evaluating course content and students of business, mathematics and statistics. 

Martha Boakye

Martha is currently an Analyst at Bank of America, France.  Prior to this role, she pursued a master's degree in International Management and Sustainability at Sciences Po, Paris, which broadened her knowledge and gave her the right balance of Finance, Investment, and Sustainability, following a degree in BSc. Business Administration. 

As one who is passionate about financial inclusion and financial independence for people from all walks of life, it was a great privilege for her to contribute to this project. It presented the opportunity for her to give back and apply the skills and knowledge she had attained over the years to make a difference in the lives of others.

Pierre-Léo Rouat 

Pierre-Léo is a policy analyst, with a double degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Manchester and a law degree from the University of Paris II. He is to graduate with a Master's degree in International Economic Policy at Sciences Po with a specialization in quantitative studies and African macroeconomics.

He intends to pursue a career as a development economist, with a strong interest in working in Eastern Africa. As such, he completed a six-month research mission in Ethiopia for the General Directorate of the Treasury, where he conducted an in-depth study on the private sector following the liberalization reforms put in place in 2018. He also collaborated at the OECD Development Centre's Africa Unit on the Dynamics of Development in Africa report (Ed 2022).  

Celeste Tchapmi

Celeste Tchapmi was recruited as a research assistant by AIMS Cameroon and was in charge of evaluating entrepreneurship curricula in some universities in Africa as well as reorganizing the overall research document before final review. Mrs. Tchapmi is a recent graduate from AIMS Cameroon and attended the University of Buea; where she obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering with an option in Software Engineering. Celeste is an entrepreneur and has been working for 06 months as a Data Analyst Intern for a fintech company Kola SAS. She made use of her business and analytics skills to help drive business decisions, worked in direct collaboration with its marketing team, and created Youtube content for the account of the company to help people better manage their finances. It was with great delight that she contributed to this project on Entrepreneurship.

Andrews Aboagye 

Andrews Aboagye, Ghanaian, is a Chartered Accountant whose work is focused on providing assurance to business stakeholders. He has work experience in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. 

He holds a Master's in International Management & Sustainability from Sciences Po, France. Passionate about youth entrepreneurship and development in Africa, Andrews researched on entrepreneurship financing to scale this project.

Abigail Naa Amankwaa Abeo 

She joined the project as an AIMS Cameroon's student. Abigail worked on how to obtain ethical clearance for our research work in some African countries. 

Miss. Abeo also attended the University of Ghana, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics with Computer Science. Abigail recently started working as a Data Science Junior Trainer at the German Institute of Business and Technology, where she delivers training programs for young professionals in the field of Data Science / Data Analytics, and contributes to the development of curricula suited for learners in analytics and machine learning fields. 

Ademola Abiodun Saheed 

Ademola Abiodun Saheed was recruited as a field research assistant by AIMS Cameroon. In that capacity, he was in charge of researching oversampling techniques for the survey. Mr. Ademola is currently a student at AIMS

Senegal for African Masters in Machine Intelligence courses, he is a graduate of AIMS Cameroon and he also attended the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics. He was delighted to contribute to this project on Entrepreneurship.

Field Research Assistants

Pacifique Karekezi

Pacifique was recruited as a field research assistant by AIMS. In that capacity, he will be in charge of conducting field surveys and analyse collected data. Mr Pacifique is a recent graduate from African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-Rwanda) and he also attended the University of Rwanda, where he obtained a bachelor of sciences in Applied  Mathematics. Pacifique  has been working for 3 months for Rwanda Development Board (RDB), for which he developed skills of Data collection, Data analysis and report writing. He is delighted to contribute to this project on Entrepreneurship.

Fatou Sene Dieng 

My name is Fatou Sene DIENG. I hold a master's degree in modeling and applied mathematics in finance at the Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis in Senegal. Then a master's degree in Mathematical Sciences, Big Data option at the African Institute of Mathematics in Senegal. 

I also had to do an internship on the application of optimization methods to real problems with Professor Nassirou Lo.

Oduro Seth Anfo 

Oduro was recruited as a field research assistant by AIMS. In that capacity, she will be in charge of conducting field surveys and analyse collected data. Mr Seth is a recent graduate from AIMS Ghana and he also attended the University of Ghana, where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Statistics. 

Seth has been working for Platinum Montessori Schools as a dedicated Mathematics instructor for 6 months. He is delighted to contribute to this project on Entrepreneurship.

Jacqueline Byukusenge

Jacqueline Byukusenge is a AIMS alumni. She is currently doing her Masters in Atmospheric and climate science at the University of Rwanda. 

She worked as an intern in BRALIRWA for 3 months where she was in charge of optimizing the movement of forklifts.

She then moved to the Rwanda Meteorology Agency as an intern for 1 year. She was in charge of data analysis. She is happy to join the research team. 

Uwitonze Daniel 

Daniel was recruited as a field research assistant by AIMS. In that capacity, she will be in charge of conducting field surveys and analyse collected data. Mr Daniel is a recent graduate from Mathematical sciences (AIMS_Rwanda ) and he also attended the University of Rwanda, where he obtained a bachelor in Mathematics. Daniel has been working for Three (3) months as an intern at Rwanda Revenue Authority , for which he developed strong data analytics and is working as a volunteer at Volunteer Services Overseas(VSO_Rwanda)  . He is delighted to contribute to this project on Entrepreneurship.

Amengor Cyril Makafui

Amengor Cyril Makafui, an alumni of AIMS Ghana 2016/2017 batch.  After completing my studies at AIMS Ghana, he was offered a 1 year MPhil programme at the University of Ghana, Legon. 

His research field was on Disease Modelling, Ocean Modelling and Data Analysis. Subsequently, he lectured for two years at a private university where he helped students to appreciate and understand the role of Mathematics in our daily life. Currently, he is working as a researcher and a data analyst for a private firm in my country.

Yoro Dia 

Mr. Dia is a graduate of AIMS Senegal and also attended the University Alioune Diop of Bambey in Senegal, where he obtained a master's degree in mathematics specialized in Statistics and Business Intelligence (BI).

Yoro has accumulated a solid experience around various integration project (data & application). He is open to any opportunity for a new challenge as a consultant or full time, where he will be able to exercise his skills and to participate in large scale projects.

Nken Allassan 

Nken Allassan is a data science enthusiast,  holder of a master in mathematical sciences and currently enrolled at the African masters for machine intelligence. 

He has prior experience on data engineering and modeling and has once been a junior data scientist at Omdena, Newyork offices. He hope to build his future career in computer vision and he's always available for work.


 Miss Rhodarlin is an alumni of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) – Ghana and also she holds a BSc in Mathematics and Statistics from the Methodist University College, Ghana. Rhodarlin works with Mezzo House Limited as a Maths tutor. Miss Rhodarlin recently worked as a Regional Trainer and a Field Supervisor in the 2021 Population and Housing Census conducted by the Ghana Statistical Service, where she trained field enumerators and supervised the collection of data in her assigned area. She is elated to contribute to this project on Entrepreneurship.

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Where to find us 

Centre for Entrepreneurship 

Sciences Po | 27, rue Saint-Guillaume | 75337 Paris Cedex 07 | France 

Tel: +33 1 45 49 59 32 



African Institute for Mathematical Sciences 

South West Region, Crystal Garden 

P.O. Box 608 | Limbe | Cameroon 

Tel: +237 2 33 33 33 63

