Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Question # 1

What are the project main phases ?

The research project was divided into five phases. The first, the literature review, was finalized in July 2021, while field visits were replaced by “Desk reviews” due to the health context. Phase 3, started in December 2021 and involves the implementation of a field survey deployed in the form of a questionnaire, the results of which will be analyzed and published during Phases 4 - Data analyses - and Phase 5 - project result dissemination, including conferences and publication of papers.

Frequently Asked Question # 2

What are the project's main objectives ?

Objective # 1

he study aims at improving the quality of pro entrepreneurial and managerial curricula at AIMS, Sciences Po and beyond, partner institutions and African academic institutions in general. The idea being that broad well-tailored disseminated entrepreneurial knowledge could contribute to the growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems in Africa.

More thoroughly, the project tries to assess the impact of first generation entrepreneurial courses centered on core entrepreneurial skills.

It studies the needs in terms of second generation entrepreneurial courses providing graduates with skills to influence their entrepreneurial ecosystem and manage pro entrepreneurial institutions.

Objective # 2

eyond courses, the research team also envisions to understand the impact of other mechanisms aimed at helping graduates build their entrepreneurial capabilities. As a matter of fact grants, incubators, financial support or professional networks could be, among others, catalysts of entrepreneurial education whereas entrepreneurial education alone could fail to deliver all its promises.

The Sciences Po - AIMS research team is expected to draw recommendations for decision makers on how to better tailor programs aimed at reinforcing the capabilities of Scholars through tangible and intangible assets for other institutions within the MasterCard Program and African academic universities. More insights can be found in the lists of Research Objectives.

Frequently Asked Question # 3

Who will be targeted during the survey phase ?

The research focuses on alumni from Sciences Po, AIMS and other comparable African institutions.

This choice stems from the fact that alumni are among the best groups of people capable of identifying practices that will be critically needed by next generations of entrepreneurs to thrive and be successful.

Participating alumni are selected using a sampling technique called stratification (see in definitions). In simple terms, stratification is the process of dividing members of a population - in this case the alumni - into homogeneous subgroups before sampling. The objective of that technique is to improve the precision of the sample by reducing errors of sampling.

Frequently Asked Question # 4

Why are we focusing on alumni ?

Alumni who chose to become entrepreneurs experienced the toughness of the job market, the requirements of professional life and daily entrepreneurial solicitations. Hence, their command of the know-how, knowledge, values and mindset that must be develop among future generations of Scholars.

Frequently Asked Question # 5

Where are we going to conduct field surveys ?

Africa has a large diversity of social and economic situations. Therefore, focusing our research on a small group of countries may have biased our results and led to criticisms.

Building on local implantations of AIMS, 5 countries were selected to implement the survey: Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, Rwanda, and South Africa. During phase III, the questionnaire was designed and administered on alumni living on those five countries representative of African economic, social and cultural diversity.

Frequently Asked Question # 6

How will research results be disseminated ?

Sharing knowledge and results acquired during the research project is a vital dimension of the project as our objective is to contribute to better pro entrepreneurial education in Africa. Results are to be shared through different media and formats. Online and live public events are to punctuate the project and be opportunities to present to students, alumni and to an audience of decision-makers the lessons of the project. Secondly, intermediate deliverables - policy briefs - are to be disseminated via the project website and the sites of the partner institutions. Finally, papers summarizing the lessons of the literature reviews and survey data are to be published.

More About the Research

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Where to find us

Centre for Entrepreneurship

Sciences Po | 27, rue Saint-Guillaume | 75337 Paris Cedex 07 | France

Tel: +33 1 45 49 59 32



African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

South West Region, Crystal Garden

P.O. Box 608 | Limbe | Cameroon

Tel: +237 2 33 33 33 63
