Privacy Policy


Sciences Po: refers to the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (“IEP de Paris”), a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment (EPCSCP), whose declaration of activity is registered under number 11 75 P 00 12 75 with the Prefect of the Ile de France region, is managed, under article L. 758-1 of the Education Code, by the National Foundation of Political Sciences (“FNSP”), a private law foundation domiciled at 27, rue Saint Guillaume 75337 PARIS cedex 07, France, beint it recalled that the two entities are brought together collectively under the name of “Sciences Po”.

African Institute for Mathematical Sciences-Next Einstein Initiative: AIMS-NEI is a pan-African network of centres of excellence for postgraduate training, research and outreach in mathematical sciences. Its mission is to enable Africa’s brightest students to flourish as independent thinkers, problem solvers and innovators capable of propelling Africa’s future scientific, educational and economic self-sufficiency. The first AIMS centre opened in Cape Town, South Africa in 2003; since 2011, AIMS-NEI has opened additional centres in Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon and Rwanda. The goal of AIMS-NEI is to build a Pan African network of 15 centres of excellence across the continent by 2023.

BETAF: Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa designates a research project between Sciences Po and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences-Next Einstein Initiative. Sciences Po and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences-Next Einstein Initiative act together as a team within the Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa (BETAF) project. BETAF does not have any legal capacity and is not a moral person. BETAF cannot sign any contract and take any obligations on behalf of Sciences Po or AIMS. Any claim should be made to Sciences Po and/or AIMS.


Sciences Po and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative teamed up in the realm of a research project financed by the Mastercard Foundation and aimed at Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa (BETAF). This privacy policy (the “policy”) tells you how the Bettering Entrepreneurial Education Practices in Africa Project (BETAF Project) uses personal information on its website,, and our practices regarding collection, disclosure, processing, sharing and storage of the information you provide via this website, or through other features, applications, emails, content, downloads, products or services (collectively, the “site”) operated by the BETAF Project.

By using the site, you are accepting the practices described in this policy and the related Terms of Use. These practices may change, but any changes will be posted and will only apply to activities and information on a going forward, not retroactive basis. You are encouraged to review the policy whenever you visit the site, to ensure your understanding of how the personal information you provide will be used.

Note: Privacy practices set forth in this policy are for this site only. If you link to other web sites, please review their privacy policies.


This policy includes any separate privacy notices posted on the site that may provide more detail regarding personal information we collect, our information needs and choices you may have regarding our use of that information.

If you sign up for a special feature of the site, you may be asked to expressly consent to special terms. For example, by checking a box or clicking a button marked, “I agree,” this separate agreement supplements or amends this policy, but only regarding matters governed by such separate agreement.

If you are located outside South Africa, please note any personal information collected through this site may be transferred to South Africa and other countries with different levels of protection than the data protection laws in your home country. Your use of this site and submission of personal information therefore constitutes your consent to the transfer of your personal information outside your home country.

Collection of information

We receive personal information shared through the online newsletter submission and other forms as needed. Except when expressly stated herein, or unless you give us permission to use it in another manner, the information you provide is only used to fulfill your specific request. Personal information we collect may include an individual’s name, address, e-mail address and/or phone number. We may also collect a user name, password and other registration information.

We may also collect statistical information to help understand how people are using the site. This information is not associated with any specific individual, and no attempt is made to profile individuals using the site. The BETAF Project may analyze server logs for statistical purposes, and does not use this information to personally identify users. The BETAF Project may employ Google Analytics or any web traffic analysis solutions to assess how visitors utilize the site.

Disclosure of information

Disclosure to Third Parties

At times, the BETAF Project may make certain personal information available to strategic partners or service providers we work with, or who help us operate the site. We do not share personal information with third parties for marketing purposes.


It may be necessary by law, legal process, litigation and/or requests from public and governmental authorities in or outside your country of residence for the BETAF Project to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information if we determine, for purposes of national security, law enforcement or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary or appropriate.

We may also disclose personal information to government agencies or third parties if we determine disclosure is necessary to protect our operations or users, enforce our terms and conditions or assist in fraud prevention, detection or investigation.


The BETAF Project uses cookies, which are text files placed on Visitor devices to evaluate usage patterns, so that the BETAF Project can improve both content and distribution. The information can also be used to establish continuity between requests, to personalize a site to a Visitor’s preferences, to authenticate a Visitor’s log-in, to analyze web traffic, to monitor and ensure the security of the network, and to help diagnose problems with the BETAF Project’s websites. Visitors may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on their browsers; however if the settings are adjusted, a Visitor may not be able to use the full functionality of the websites. We do not currently respond to “Do Not Track (DNT)” browser signals.

Functional cookies

Visitors are sometimes requested to sign-up or log-in in order to use some of our online services.

When a Visitor enters their username and password, a cookie may be set identifying them as a logged-in user. This cookie is removed either when they log out, or when they have not visited the site for some time and their login expires. These systems are typically those that deal explicitly with personal data.

Though this cookie will identify the Visitor as a specific person on the system, the BETAF Project does not pass any information to market research companies, advertisers or other third parties.

Commitment to data security

We maintain reasonable administrative, physical and technological measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and security of personal information you submit through this site. Only authorized employees, agents and contractors (who have agreed to keep information secure and confidential) have access to personal information. All emails and newsletters from the site allow you to opt out of further mailings.


You have the right to access your personal information stored with us to ensure it is accurate, complete and current. Upon request, we will grant you access, except where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the privacy risks, or where the rights of other persons would be violated. Additionally, we will take reasonable steps to correct, amend or delete information you can independently demonstrate is inaccurate or incomplete.

You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and transfer of your personal information. However, please note, by withdrawing your consent, continuing to provide certain services may be impossible.


We retain personal information collected under this policy for as long as there is a business need, in accordance with applicable record retention policies and a range of legal and regulatory record-keeping requirements.

Privacy contact information and GDPR Rights:

In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and national regulations from African countries in which alumni will be surveyed, you enjoy rights to information, to access and erase your data.

To exercise your rights or if you have any questions, you can contact the researcher, at the following address If your query has not been satisfied by the research team and if

it is related to Sciences Po, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at Sciences Po (

it is related to AIMS, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at AIMS (

If you are subsequently dissatisfied with the exercise of your rights under the GDPR, you can contact the French Data Protection Authority, the CNIL (

Contact Us

Where to find us

Centre for Entrepreneurship

Sciences Po | 27, rue Saint-Guillaume | 75337 Paris Cedex 07 | France

Tel: +33 1 45 49 59 32



African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

South West Region, Crystal Garden

P.O. Box 608 | Limbe | Cameroon

Tel: +237 2 33 33 33 63
