The survey

Why a survey to improve entrepreneurial practices ?

Beyond the literature review, and ad hoc meetings, the ground survey will be the key tool used by the research team to collect and analyze data to improve entrepreneurial education practices. It will focus on alumni from various academic institutions who have become or not entrepreneurs. Those alumni have been experiencing African economies, their positive trends and challenges. They therefore represent an unprecedented source of knowledge to assess the needs of entrepreneurs in terms of support and training.

The survey timeline

Step 1:

A database integrating information on students who have been the subject of a decision of admission and graduation within AIMS, Sciences Po and benchmark institutions (control group) will be created. These databases will remain the property of the Education Departments of each institution and the research team will not have access to them. The database will include basic information about the alumni like their names, sex, date of birth, their last diploma obtained etc. Building on aggregated data provided by Education Departments, the research team will prepare the sampling.

Step 2:

The Education Department of each institution will send a preliminary presentation of the research project to its alumni and seek their informed consent to participate in the next stages of the deployment of the questionnaire. A section of the email will contain a consent collection form and questions to obtain additional information prior to the questionnaire, notably an agreement to participate in the research protocol, the country of residence, the nationality, profession, etc.

Step 3:

Education Departments for each institution will compile data, hence providing a map of the population of alumni who have agreed to take part in the questionnaire and their characteristics. Aggregated results will once again be transmitted to the research team to enable them to prepare the sampling process.

Step 4:

A small sample of alumni will be selected to carry out a test of a first version of the survey. An email sent to them by the Education Departments will request their agreement to answer the pre-questionnaire and to participate in a Focus Discussion Group (FDG) organized to get feedback on the questionnaire and the possibilities for improving it.

Step 5:

Building on the sampling parameters provided by the research team and using the survey management software, Education Departments will select a sample from their restricted population and send an automatic email request to the alumni to participate in the survey. Answers will allow to validate the final sample.

Step 6:

The questionnaires will be administered in the context of individual interviews between the respondents and the investigators or via a digital questionnaire. In all cases, the questionnaires will be implemented using electronic support available on a tablet or computer. Interviewers will be AIMS students recruited to carry out the interviews in the selected African countries. The preamble to the questionnaires will contain sections reserved for the expression of informed consent by the alumni for the various subsequent data processing operations (data storage, statistical analysis and publication of the results).

More About the Research

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Centre for Entrepreneurship

Sciences Po | 27, rue Saint-Guillaume | 75337 Paris Cedex 07 | France

Tel: +33 1 45 49 59 32



African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

South West Region, Crystal Garden

P.O. Box 608 | Limbe | Cameroon

Tel: +237 2 33 33 33 63
