Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa 

with the support of the Mastercard Foundation

Discover the project  

Entrepreneurship matters

This belief is now shared by millions of young Africans but also the civil society, decision-makers and international organizations.

This is why the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Sciences Po and other academic institutions have mobilized a research team to carry out an unprecedented study aimed at finding how to better the training received by the next generation of African entrepreneurs.

Project rationale overview 

The project, which is funded by the Mastercard Foundation, aims to assess and disseminate the most effective practices to increase the likelihood of students becoming successful entrepreneurs.

This includes courses but also other support mechanisms capable of fostering entrepreneurship skills and spirit.

Hence, the research team willingness to  disseminate its findings. 

Data on African Entrepreneurship 

The Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa or BETAF Project is rooted in a promising and dynamic context.

Africa, with its enormous potential, is also the “youngest” continent, with people under 35 years making up about 65 percent of the population.  Over the next two decades, it will need to create nearly 20 million jobs each year to absorb the entry of nearly 435 million young people into the labor market (Africa Competitiveness Report, 2017).

Africa will need to create nearly 20 million jobs each year ! 

Entrepreneurship represents an interesting path to provide a professional activity to a fraction, at least, of these cohorts. By equipping new generations of graduates with the right entrepreneurial education and assets, this is where this project aims to add its little plus to this burgeoning trend.

Since the launch of the project, the two members of the research consortium, Sciences Po and AIMS - Next Einstein Initiative have mobilized more than forthy people to foster entrepreneurship in Africa, through better entrepreneurial training. The Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa (BETAF) that was launched by the partners is supported by the Mastercard Foundation. Find out more here !

Contact Us

Where to find us 

Centre for Entrepreneurship 

Sciences Po | 27, rue Saint-Guillaume | 75337 Paris Cedex 07 | France 

Tel: +33 1 45 49 59 32 



African Institute for Mathematical Sciences 

South West Region, Crystal Garden 

P.O. Box 608 | Limbe | Cameroon 

Tel: +237 2 33 33 33 63

